We offer every child an environment where dreams flourish higher order thinking stimulates their brain. The class room teaching is not confined to four walls only, kids explore new things when the latest technologies come to uplift better teaching-learning process.

  • Mom & Me: Age 1 yrs. to 2 yrs.
  • Mother Toddler: Age 2 yrs. to 2.5yrs
  • Play group : Age 2+
  • Nursery: Age 3+.
  • Kindergarten Junior: Age 4+
  • Kindergarten Senior: Age 5+

At Daily Nurturing Academy (DNA), our exclusive milestone-based curriculum, Learn from the Start, is designed to ensure that even our youngest learners are developing and meeting significant milestones in these five areas:

  • Cognitive Development: Children develop problem-solving and creative thinking skills.
  • Language and Communication Development: Children develop the ability to communicate effectively using sounds, expressions, and body language.
  • Physical Development and Health: Children develop the ability to coordinate and control large and small muscle movements.
  • Social-Emotional Development: Children develop the ability to interact with others and increasing awareness of themselves and their emotions.
  • Approaches to Learning: Children develop their problem-solving abilities.
    A.  MOTHER-INFANT PROGRAM (1 Yrs. – 2 Yrs.)

Just like scientists, very young children learn about the world around them by experimenting and trying new ways of doing things. The bonds they form with warm, nurturing teachers and the stimulating environment of this classroom form the strong foundation

At DNA, our exclusive milestone-based curriculum, Learn from the Start, is designed to ensure that even our youngest learners are developing and meeting significant milestones in these five areas:

  • Cognitive Development: Infants develop the ability to pay attention and to engage and interact with others.
  • Language Development: Infants develop the ability to communicate verbally.
  • Physical Development and Health: Infants develop the ability to intentionally move parts of their body.
  • Social-Emotional Development: Infants practice different ways to get their needs met.
  • Approaches to Learning: Infants explore the world around them.
B.  MOTHER TODDLER PROGRAM (2 Yrs. – 2.5 Yrs.):

This program is specially designed to help mothers to prepare their child for ‘pre-school’ phase. A series of sessions will make sure your kid feels confident enough to join play-school without any discomfort.

  • Child- centric approach
  • Flexible time
  • Multi-Sensory learning

Energy and excitement are a natural part of growth and learning .At DNA, we channel that energy into positive learning experiences, providing plenty of room to move and explore, while young minds discover A-STEM learning.

Learning experiences in these classrooms address the evolving developmental needs of this increasingly mobile age group, while milestone development continues to be guided by our exclusive Learn from the Start early education curriculum in five developmental areas:

  • Cognitive Development: Children develop problem-solving and creative thinking skills.
  • Language and Communication Development: Children develop the ability to communicate effectively using sounds, expressions, and body language.
  • Physical Development and Health: Children develop the ability to coordinate and control large and small muscle movements.
  • Social-Emotional Development: Children develop the ability to interact with others and increasing awareness of themselves and their emotions.
  • Approaches to Learning: Children develop their problem-solving abilities.

We help develop young minds to be curious, versatile, and adaptable, through experiences across three distinct classroom areas:

  • Cozy Area: Reading books, telling stories, having conversations.
  • Exploration Area:Manipulating objects and interacting with materials.
  • Movement Area:Exploring balance, coordination, gross motor skills.



There is no such thing as a typical 2.5year-old. The DNA, classroom is designed to meet the needs of our most active little learners, as they discover new ideas and experiences as individuals.

Learning experiences continue to follow our exclusive Learn from the Start curriculum, as we ensure that children are meeting important milestones in five development areas:

  • Physical Development and Health: Children develop increasing awareness of health and safety concepts.
  • Language and Communication Development: Children develop the ability to communicate effectively using oral and written language; to understand and respond to communication of others.
  • Cognitive Development: Children develop the ability to think critically and creatively and to understand their world.
  • Approaches to Learning: Children become more independent.
  • Social-Emotional Development: Children develop the understanding of their relationships with others such as family, friends, and community members.
D.   NURSERY PROGRAM- Nursery (3+ Yrs.):

DNA exclusive early education curriculum for this program, Learn as We Grow, is based on developmental indicators and is specifically designed for 3.5yr-4.5yr old children, as they prepare for Preschool. Children build their skills across 10 developmental areas:

  • Physical Development and Health: Children develop the ability to follow directions, complete tasks with little supervision, and participate actively in group games.
  • Language: Children develop the ability to respond appropriately to questions about books, and repeat different words/sentences to get another person to respond.
  • Approaches to Learning: Children develop the ability to find solutions to simple problems.
  • Social-Emotional Development: Children develop the ability to use emotional words (such as “I’m happy”) to get needs met, follow established rules and routines in the classroom, and play well with others.
  • Creative Arts: Children develop the ability to use materials, such as pencils, paints, play dough, and musical instruments, in different and varied ways.
  • Literacy: Children develop the ability to ask adults to read printed information, draw figures and shapes to convey meaning, and use picture and verbal cues.
  • Logic and Reasoning: Children develop the ability to sort and solve simple puzzles.
  • Math: Children develop the ability to identify numerals and alternating patterns.
  • Nature and Science: Children develop the ability to classify objects into living and non-living categories, provide explanations for why an event/outcome occurred, and demonstrate some persistence and creativity in solving a problem.
  • Social Studies: Children develop the ability to use terms related to location, direction, and distance, as well as to use the language of time (day, night, yesterday, today, tomorrow).

These early learners benefit from A-STEM-focused enhancements in their classroom, such as:

  • Engineering station with a variety of blocks, gears, puzzles, and magnetic connectors
  • Art materials integrated throughout the room to support 21st century learning skills
  • Hands-on science station with sensory tubes, light table, color mixing lenses, water works

Children also learn to work with others, develop self-help skills, and follow directions and routines. Visual “Children’s Tools” enable them to take charge of actions and behaviors, gain independence, and to be successful, confident, and empowered.


As an essential stepping stone to kindergarten, DNA JUNIOR Preschool program offers our research-based early education curriculum, Explorer , and personalized learning experiences. Lessons integrate the arts and sciences.

Here are some ways A-STEM LEARNING is integrated throughout this classroom:

  • Science: Microscopes and hand lenses are used to explore what living and non-living things look like up close.
  • Technology: During group learning time, age-appropriate interactive digital technology could be employed, with age-specific apps.
  • Engineering: Robotics materials, as well as a variety of small table-top blocks and large, floor-use blocks encourage children to design, test, and build their own constructions.

A-STEM activities also explore the arts and math:

  • The Arts: Language arts (reading, writing, literacy), visual arts (painting, sculpture, etc.), dramatic and musical arts (costumes, instruments, etc.) are featured.
  • Math: Tangible, engaging math experiences are supported by a variety of resources including tree blocks, stone counting pieces, balance scales, and measuring tools.

Children continue to work toward meeting milestones in 10 developmental areas:

  • Approaches to Learning: Children learn to use materials in a variety of ways, and begin to work on planning skills.
  • Logic and Reasoning Children experiment with dramatic play which develops symbolic thinking.
  • Literacy Children tell stories and act them out, along with gaining exposure to writing.
  • Language: Children develop basic conversational and self-expression skills.
  • Math: Children develop counting skills and numeral recognition, along with shapes, and patterning.
  • Physical Development and Health: Children practice gross motor and self-help skills.
  • Social-Emotional Development: Children gain self-awareness and independence.
  • Creative Arts Expression: Children explore music, movement, and drama.
  • Social Studies: Children learn how to be part of a community and develop familiar routines.
  • Nature and Science: Children focus on object classification, as well as learning about the natural world around them.

To ensure school readiness, and to prepare each child for the future, our Senior Kindergarten program furthers our comprehensive A-STEM learning approach. In Pre-Kindergarten, personalized learning experiences continue to be guided by EXPERT, research-based  early education curriculum, while we guide children through 10 significant developmental areas:

  • Approaches to Learning: Children develop independence, as well as creativity and cooperation.
  • Logic and Reasoning: Children work on patterning, object sorting, and word problems.
  • Literacy: Children are exposed to language through stories, small-group reading (including chapter books), and journal writing.
  • Language: Children are encouraged to use language to think and communicate.
  • Math: Children are exposed to measurement, graphing and numeral identification.
  • Physical Development and Health: Children practice fine motor skills, such as cutting with scissors and holding a pencil or crayon, as well as deepen their understanding of health and nutrition.
  • Social-Emotional Development: Children learn cooperation, conflict resolution, and other critical life skills.
  • Creative Arts Expression: Children express ideas and feelings through music, movement, visual arts, and dance.
  • Social Studies: Children develop a respect for diversity, family, and community.
  • Nature and Science: Children will learn how to make predictions, observe, and generalize data through experimentation and investigation.
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